Apr 19, 2024 | Cinematography, Darkroom, Editorial, Gear, General, How To, Lifestyle, Magazine, News, Podcast
Are Films REALLY Safe In Airport Scanners?? By Lina Bessonova This is a full, unabridged article from Issue 22 of SilvergrainClassics print magazine. We think this information is vital to film photographers, and are making it available here free of charge. This could...
Apr 3, 2022 | Darkroom, Exclusive, Gear, Lifestyle
DSLR scanning with Negative Supply at the Silvergrain Academy Fashion Week Workshop by Doug B. Richardson “After just one demonstration of the DSLR scanning with Negative Supply process, our workshop participants were able to jump in and scan their own films”....
Apr 9, 2021 | Behind the Scenes, Exclusive
André Eikmeyer is the creator of the Negsets and Negmaster tools. by Christopher Osborne. André Eikmeyer is a portrait photographer, videographer, and media designer. He is also the creator of the Negsets and Negmaster tools for Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop....