Sep 30, 2024 | Behind the Scenes, Book Review, News, Tutorial
Discoveries of a Lifetime Book Review By Hermann Groeneveld / SilvergrainClassics Silvergrain Publishing is proud to offer Bruce Barnbaum’s latest book, Discoveries of a Lifetime. Meticulously Crafted Black and White Images from the Darkroom Bruce Barnbaum is an...
Nov 25, 2023 | Gear, How To, News, Tutorial
SilverFast ExpressScan: Turbocharging Your Flatbed Scanner By Herman Groeneveld A scanner can never be fast enough. The less time it takes to capture a single image, the faster large quantities of analog image material can be transferred into the digital world. When...
Feb 16, 2021 | Behind the Scenes, Gear, How To, Tutorial
DSLR film scanning? Or dedicated film scanner? And film scanning and editing software? by Lukas Büsser. A personal story of film digitization – or is my approach still the right one? Epson V850 with Silverfast as DNG file. Converted with Negmaster 2.3. I was...
Aug 15, 2020 | Darkroom, Editorial, General, How To, Tutorial
How To: Shooting Expired Film by Ludwig Hagelstein Getting Started While some photographers would not shoot expired, perhaps even badly stored decades old film in their wildest dreams, others indulge in exactly that. Shooting expired film can be an interesting...