the latest

Print Issue

Issue 25 of SilvergrainClassics

Issue 25 of SilvergrainClassics

Celebrating Issue 25 with The Future of Film Photography! Rather than looking back at 2500 pages of SGC, we celebrate our 25th Issue by looking to the future. Our Call for Submissions brought us not only a cover photo, but six portfolios from our community, and more to come in the next editions. Returning contributors look into a crystal ball and share predictions for The Future of Traditional Photography, The Future of Photographic Film, andThe Future of Film Cameras. We have money-saving tips for top-quality gear, ideas on community-building, and a focus on slide film. Details in the full blog article…

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19,90 € excl. shipping

this week’s 

Editor’s Pick

New WideluxX Website Online

New WideluxX Website Online

Exciting news from the Widelux Revival Project — Jeff Bridges has shared a new WideluxX website! In a lovely interview on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Jeff shared his passion for the panoramic film camera, his personal connections to it, and his joy in continuing the project with his wife Susan, and Charys and Marwan from SilvergrainClassics.

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ADOX Revives the original HC-110! Trusted by photojournalists since Vietnam, with a shelf life of decades, its unique syrup-y formula is back.



SilvergrainClassics is the first truly global film photography magazine and is available in stores in more than 70 countries worldwide. Regarded as one of the best photography publications currently available by many, we strive to live up to that expectation. On our website, you’ll find both content that didn’t make it into our magazine, as well as dedicated online features and news articles.

While we take pride on our various and well researched online content, our heart beats analog. Where online sparkles, print truly shines. If you like coffee table photo books, you will love SilvergrainClassics. Sturdily bound, in book quality print, the magazine is the next best thing to holding an actual silver gelatin print of an image in your hands.

72,00 € excl. shipping

19,90 € excl. shipping

“SilvergrainClassics has become the leading film photography magazine worldwide. With news, reviews, and some outstanding contributors, it has quickly earned its place as the go-to film photography magazine.

Bellamy Hunt, Japan Camera Hunter

“SilvergrainClassics is everything I’ve wanted a magazine to be… it’s so awesome! The articles are great, the pictures are great… If you’re into analog photography, believe me, this will be right up your alley

Nick Carver

“…pages identical to what you’d expect from a photo book. Everything inside the issue is on-point. Even the ads are appealing.”

Review by

“The quality of the printing, the talented photographers you’ve chosen to showcase, and the way you’ve interspersed their photographs with technical articles all adds up to a superb product…”

Terry Smith, professional editorial photographer for Vogue, Time, and many others

Our team are experienced photographers with a passion for sharing information and inspiration. From large format landscape to instant street over development specialists and online blogger personalities, we are excited to bring together a first-class team from different areas of analog photography. Working with international contributors gives us the opportunity to spread the love for analog photography all around the globe. 

Combining many decades of work in photographic publications and industry, we are connected with an experienced network to provide you with information, highlight photographic work and the latest news in analog photography. Our vision is to provide photographers around the world with inspiration, information, and a sense of community in the terms of working analog:  a high – quality, quarterly printed analog photography magazine.



Listen to the entire world of film photography on the go! Our editors Marwan & Charys, together with Erik Schlicksbier, host of ‘Studio Kreativkommune Podcast’, talk to artists, gearheads, and industry leaders to give you your biweekly dose of analog equilibrium. Get connected to the worldwide analog community with the podcast from the world’s leading film photography magazine.

You can listen to the podcast here: iTunes | Spotify | Deezer | | TuneIn | RSS