Series taken with Ilford HP5 Plus 120 film, and a Yashicaflex Model A camera. Johannesburg, South Africa.

This series, a mixture of abstract and portrait photography, represents my vision of the 2020 Covid-19 lock-down. I’ve entitled the series ‘Submerged’ after the first photograph which depicts a child’s plastic chair half-submerged in water.

This is symbolic of my psyche and emotional state during lock-down. Feeling myself half-submerged, I long for the safety and security of childhood comfort – but it never comes.

The more abstract images are interspersed with portraits of the close family that I reside with. These family members have grounded me through these challenging times and provided support and comfort.

The final two abstract images are my swimming pool, in the late afternoon light, with the child’s plastic chair in the very distance – representing my alienation and feelings of isolation during the lock-down. Then, the image of a dead vine coiled around a tree trunk represents my shrinking world, constricted by the pandemic.

About the author:
Simon Wolfson is a 22 year old student from Johannesburg, South Africa. He is currently studying Honours in English Literature at the University of the Witwatersrand.
In 2016, Simon was commended in the Sony World Youth Photography Awards and in 2019 he was a finalist in the Urban Gaze Documentary Photography Competition and was exhibited at the Keyes Art Mile.
Do you have a story to tell, too ?
Project DOCUPAN is driven by the analog community, striving to record a history of the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic through the lenses of analog photographers all over the globe. Click below and become a part of a project we don’t know yet how large it will grow.
Tell and share your story and help to record history in a project that has never been done before.

Do you have a story to tell, too ?
Project DOCUPAN is driven by the analog community, striving to record a history of the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic through the lenses of analog photographers all over the globe. Click below and become a part of a project we don’t know yet how large it will grow.
Tell and share your story and help to record history in a project that has never been done before.

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