The first two pictures and the last were taken with a Minolta CLE with an Elmarit M 28mm lens from Leica, the third and fourth picture with Canon T90 with Canon FDn 17mm f4 lens and fifth picture with a Canon Eos 1 with Canon EF 24mm f2,8 lens. I used expired Fuji Neopan 400 and Ilford Pan 400 films.

In March came the warning for the pandemic due Covid 19 Virus. The first picture shows the view from an office to one of the Central Clinics in Berlin the “Charité”. Every hope was set, do we have enough intensive care units. We did have to go to home office, it was involved with improvisation. It happened fast, like the second picture.

In Berlin, the lockdown was never total. You could go out for sports, but not in groups.

Just the people who lived in one household were allowed to stay together. We used our bikes to cycle to the city.

The pictures from the Brandenburger Tor, Breidscheidplatz and Airport Tegel show, how empty the places were back in April.

Except grocers and pharmacies. They did not close, but you did have to follow the same hygienic rules.

About the author:
I live in Berlin. I did start with photography at the age of twelve years. You can see my work at Flickr
Do you have a story to tell, too ?
Project DOCUPAN is driven by the analog community, striving to record a history of the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic through the lenses of analog photographers all over the globe. Click below and become a part of a project we don’t know yet how large it will grow.
Tell and share your story and help to record history in a project that has never been done before.

Do you have a story to tell, too ?
Project DOCUPAN is driven by the analog community, striving to record a history of the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic through the lenses of analog photographers all over the globe. Click below and become a part of a project we don’t know yet how large it will grow.
Tell and share your story and help to record history in a project that has never been done before.

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