New WideluxX Website Online — good news for film camera fans!

By SilvergrainClassics

After a period without much news from the Widelux Revival, the project which will bring back the iconic panning film camera, things were shaken up when Jeff Bridges shared the new WideluxX website!

Jeff Bridges delighted fans and the analog photography community during his interview on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, sharing a captivating story that brings together art, adventure, and his lifelong love for photography. While the interview touched on many aspects of his life, one exciting revelation was his collaboration with “a German outfit”, SilverBridges, to revive the iconic Widelux camera—a project that began with an interview for SilvergrainClassics magazine in our sold out Issue #8. We were then very proud to announce the project in Issue 19!

When Colbert asked Bridges what he did during the pandemic in Montana, he smiled and shared a touching response. He and his wife Susan spent much of their time reconnecting with old passions. While some might expect a story about cooking favorite dishes and dancing to songs from their early days as a couple, Bridges revealed that they revisited their photography and the Widelux camera, deciding to bring it back.
It was truly inspiring for us to see Jeff Bridges light up with excitement while talking about this project. His enthusiasm for the Widelux was evident in every word. Bridges’ love for photography, combined with his desire to preserve and elevate analog techniques, makes this project particularly special to us. The Widelux, with its sweeping panoramic lens, is not just a camera to him—it’s an extension of how he views the world, capturing moments with depth and breadth.


What makes this journey even more meaningful is the role his wife Susan plays. Bridges mentioned how Susan has been a full partner in the project and new company, as well as a powerful source of motivation. Her support and shared passion for the art of photography are key drivers that keep the endeavor moving forward.
The Widelux revival is a testament to the magic of analog photography and is more than just a technical feat; it’s an artistic endeavor. Bridges’ vision is being made reality with the help of a team that shares his passion, including SilvergrainClassics‘ own Marwan El Mozayen and Charys Schuler, who co-own SilverBridges with Jeff and Susan.


Watching Jeff Bridges on The Late Show, with the joy in his eyes as he spoke about the camera and his ties to it, was heartwarming. It’s an exciting time for us at SilvergrainClassics, and we look forward to bringing you more news about this project!

While you’re waiting for the latest, feel free to browse the story behind how the project started here, and our collection of Widelux portfolios here.

Seeing this new website go live is a great sign that this project is moving ahead. We’ll keep bringing our readers behind-the-scenes information not available elsewhere in our printed issues.

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