In Issue 11 of SilvergrainClassics magazine, we featured an article about two new lenses that carry the storied name Meyer Optik Görlitz. Marwan El Mozayen shared some of the history of the firm and updated our readers about the new owners and their ideas.
He was so impressed by the quality of the lenses and his visit to the factory that he wanted to make the experience available to others. In the following videos, you can follow Marwan while he watches a lens being ground at the Meyer Optik Görlitz factory in Bad Kreuznach, Germany, and see him unbox and talk through two Primoplan lenses.
SilvergrainClassics also has a limited number of spaces left for a portrait workshop on November 27, 2021, that will include a walkthrough of the factory and a chance to test the lenses! The workshop will be held in German and English. For more information and a chance to book, click here:
If you like to order Issue 11, you can do that here: https://shop.silvergrainclassics.com/magazines/silvergrainclassics-11