Sep 4, 2021 | Darkroom, Gear
The Heiland Splitgrade Controller – what does it do? by Christopher Osborne. The Heiland Splitgrade Controller is a highly sophisticated tool for B&W darkroom printers. It is a premium product with a price to match. A number of readers have asked what does...
Jun 22, 2021 | Exclusive, Lifestyle, News
Analog Photography Fireside Chat Episode 8 – June 26th Join SilvergrainClassics magazine in a free chat around the fire on Saturday 26th of June! Our guests will be: ILFORD Photo's Matt Parry, Jürgen Heiland of Heiland Electronics, large format photographer...
Jun 2, 2021 | Darkroom, Exclusive
The Heiland Splitgrade Controller – made simple! is now on pre-order The Heiland Splitgrade Controller – made simple! is a comprehensive guide to using the advanced darkroom controller from Heiland Electronics has been written by photographer by...