Feb 23, 2023 | Behind the Scenes, Gear, How To, Lifestyle
Ricoh MIRAI camera spotted in Gotham City No famous photographer has used a Ricoh MIRAI in the rice paddies of Vietnam under mortar fire, it can claim having seen service in the toughest streets of Gotham City! By Marwan el Mozayen. Bob the Goon, armed with a camera...
Feb 10, 2023 | Behind the Scenes, Gear, How To, Lifestyle
The Ricoh MIRAI bridge camera Ricoh MIRAI: Ugly Plastic or Classic Star Trek? By Marwan el Mozayen. The Ricoh Mirai in an advertisement The Ricoh MIRAI was introduced to the world in 1988. MIRAI means “future” in Japanese and moving into the future was the mission....