Sep 4, 2021 | Darkroom, Gear
The Heiland Splitgrade Controller – what does it do? by Christopher Osborne. The Heiland Splitgrade Controller is a highly sophisticated tool for B&W darkroom printers. It is a premium product with a price to match. A number of readers have asked what does...
Jul 31, 2021 | Behind the Scenes, Exclusive, Lifestyle
Inside Heiland Electronics. by Christopher Osborne. I am at the Wetzlar Headquarters of Heiland Electronics. Juergen talks about the future and shows the company’s new 8×10 enlarger. Juergen Heiland shows the CAD drawings of the new 8×10 enlarger....
Aug 15, 2020 | Darkroom, Gear, How To
Heiland Splitgrade Controller Can the Heiland Splitgrade Controller help to promote darkroom printing? by Christopher Osborne The world of analogue photography has a mismatch. The introduction to the 2019 Ilford Photo Darkroom Printing Survey could not put it...