Currently, we witness a global event of unimaginable proportions. The 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic. Although most of us are confined to our homes and workplaces, some alone and some together with partners or family, we are all confronted with the once in a lifetime opportunity of documenting History.
Each and every one of us has the potential to show the impact of the pandemic on their individual level, and deliver a piece to a puzzle yet to be combined and document our lives during these uncertain times. This project strives to amalgamate our individual impressions during the pandemic into a bigger picture. Into a photographic documentary on a global scale.
The Latest
17: Stockholm – by Astrid Robertsson
I took these photos on 35mm Ilford HP5+ and FP4+ which I then developed and scanned at home. The photos were taken with a Canon Eos 500 camera and...
16: Submerged – by Simon Wolfson
Series taken with Ilford HP5 Plus 120 film, and a Yashicaflex Model A camera. Johannesburg, South Africa. This series, a mixture of abstract and...
15: Lockdown ‘Street Bingo’ Captured in Pinhole by Rachel Brewster-Wright
I took this series of images (Title - Lockdown 'Street Bingo' Captured in Pinhole) in Liverpool, UK on Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day (26th April...
What is the DOCUPAN Project?
The DOCUPAN Project is a community driven, analog documentary photography initiative to showcase your look at the Pandemic, in order to inspire, inform and interest others with a photographic documentary. In times of ubiquitous digital manipulation and widespread fake news, honest documentary photography is potentially more important than it has ever been.
First and foremost, however, we´re interested in how you see the pandemic, and the way it affects your life. Show us what you feel is worth showing – documenting – and write a few paragraphs of text to go along with it. This way, we´ll create the world´s first community driven visual history of a global event.
Participating is easy. Grab your camera and film of choice, and document what you see. Regardless of black and white or color, Minox or 8×10, Polaroid or Wetplate, the only requirement to participate is that the submitted photographs be your own work, were taken during the 2020 Pandemic, and document some aspect of life during the pandemic. What exactly, is up to your choice.
Once you feel you have a series of six images and a short story (it really can be short, e.g. one full sentence underneath every image to explain what viewers are seeing) to tie it all together, just submit your documentary in the form below and become part of a project never attempted before.
When all is over, a selection of the work submitted will be exhibited on our website and may be printed in one of our upcoming issues of SilvergrainClassics. Additionally to that, Kodak Professional will choose among the participants an honorable mention for the best documentary awarded with a grant of Tri-X 400 film.
Documentary photography on film is alive! Let´s show it off.
Detailed submission guidelines and terms. Click to expand. Please read.
- Submissions must have context to the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic.
- Image sets must consist of six photographs taken on film. The format or film type play no role.
- The image set must be accompanied by a short text of roughly 150 words up to 300 words maximum (about three paragraphs) to establish meaningful context in order to tell your story. This can mean telling a story, to go along the images, or to give a brief explanation what the viewer sees. Explain what the viewer sees, why it is interesting and establish context for the images. And of course, don´t forget at title!
- Please inlcude a short abstract of 1-2 short senteces including the film type and the location to your submission.
- Please add information on format and film type used alongside your submission as well as a short description regarding your person. You can add social media, or website links, as well.
- Submissions must be sized 1500 pixels on the long side and be maximum 1MB sized
- Files must be .jpeg and named in the following fashion: Surname_Name_Number.jpeg (John_Doe_1.jpg)
- Watermarked submissions will not be considered. Your copyright is honored in all instances though.
- In order to assure a certain level of image quality, submissions will be curated.
- Should your submission be chosen to be printed in one of our future issues of SilvergrainClassics, you’ll be notified and asked for high resolution files.
- When submitting your story, you remain the sole copyright holder but grant us a license to use both text and images free of charge for use, display and publication within Project DOCUPAN and to promote Project Docupan.
- Project DOCUPAN is not exclusive. Work submitted and published here may be published elsewhere or may have been published elsewhere already. The project only tries to bring together a big picture, puzzled together by all the entries made.
- Submissions not following the rules defined here will not be considered. The final decision in regard to publishing a submission is made by the editorial staff of SilvergrainClassics. The honorable mention awarded with a grant of Kodak Professional Tri-X 400 film is chosen by Kodak Alaris staff.
Very important:
Don´t be afraid to participate, or hesitate because “documentary photography” may sound somewhat prohibitive, or even elitist. Rest assured, it is not. This project is driven by a global community and if all goes to plan, will show a unique and truly global perspective on film photography documenting the 2020 pandemic. A huge big picture, puzzled together by each and every single entry. Even though some images will be selected to be printed in our magazine and Kodak will give away a film grant for honorable mentions, this is no competition and thus, we have consciously abstained from implementing any like – or voting function to the gallery below, because we believe good photography can speak for itself.
Great! Submit your documentary by clicking on the button to the right. You´ll be redirected to an upload form.

Currently, we witness a global event of unimaginable proportions. The 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic. Although most of us are confined to our homes and workplaces, some alone and some together with partners or family, we are all confronted with the once in a lifetime opportunity of documenting History.
Each and every one of us has the potential to show the impact of the pandemic on their individual level, and deliver a piece to a puzzle yet to be combined and document our lives during these uncertain times. This project strives to amalgamate our individual impressions during the pandemic into a bigger picture. Into a photographic documentary on a global scale.
The Latest
17: Stockholm – by Astrid Robertsson
I took these photos on 35mm Ilford HP5+ and FP4+ which I then developed and scanned at home. The photos were taken with a Canon Eos 500 camera and...
16: Submerged – by Simon Wolfson
Series taken with Ilford HP5 Plus 120 film, and a Yashicaflex Model A camera. Johannesburg, South Africa. This series, a mixture of abstract and...
15: Lockdown ‘Street Bingo’ Captured in Pinhole by Rachel Brewster-Wright
I took this series of images (Title - Lockdown 'Street Bingo' Captured in Pinhole) in Liverpool, UK on Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day (26th April...
What is the DOCUPAN Project?
The DOCUPAN Project is a community driven, analog documentary photography initiative to showcase your look at the Pandemic, in order to inspire, inform and interest others with a photographic documentary. In times of ubiquitous digital manipulation and widespread fake news, honest documentary photography is potentially more important than it has ever been.
First and foremost, however, we´re interested in how you see the pandemic, and the way it affects your life. Show us what you feel is worth showing – documenting – and write a few paragraphs of text to go along with it. This way, we´ll create the world´s first community driven visual history of a global event.
While this is explicitly no competition, a selection of images will be published in one of our upcoming issues of SilvergrainClassics.
Participating is easy.
Grab your camera and film of choice, and document what you see.
Regardless of black and white or color, Minox or 8×10, Polaroid or Wetplate, the only requirement to participate is that the submitted photographs be your own work, were taken during the 2020 Pandemic, and document some aspect of life during the pandemic. What exactly, is up to your choice.
Once you feel you have a series of six images and a short story to tie it all together, just submit your documentary in the form below and become part of a project never attempted before.
When all is over, a selection of the work submitted will be printed in one of our upcoming issues of SilvergrainClassics as well. Additionally to that, Kodak Professional will choose among the participants an honorable mention for the best documentary awarded with a grant of Tri-X 400 film.
Documentary photography on film is alive! Let´s show it off.
Detailed submission guidelines and terms. Click to expand. Please read.
- Submissions must have context to the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic.
- Image sets must consist of six photographs taken on film. The format or film type play no role.
- The image set must be accompanied by a short text of roughly 200 words up to 300 words maximum (about three paragraphs) to establish meaningful context in order to tell your story. This means telling a story, to go along the images. Explain what the viewer sees, why it is interesting and establish context for the images. And of course, don´t forget at title!
- Please inlcude a short abstract of 1-2 short senteces including the film type and the location to your submission.
- Please add information on format and film type used alongside your submission as well as a short description regarding your person. You can add social media, or website links, as well.
- Submissions must be sized 1500 pixels on the long side and be maximum 1MB sized
- Files must be .jpeg and named in the following fashion: Surname_Name_Number.jpeg (John_Doe_1.jpg)
- Watermarked submissions will not be considered. Your copyright is honored in all instances though.
- In order to assure a certain level of image quality, submissions will be curated.
- Should your submission be chosen to be printed in one of our future issues of SilvergrainClassics, you’ll be notified and asked for high resolution files.
- When submitting your story, you remain the sole copyright holder but grant us a license to use both text and images free of charge for use, display and publication within Project DOCUPAN.
- Project DOCUPAN is not exclusive. Work submitted and published here may be published elsewhere or may have been published elsewhere already. The project only tries to bring together a big picture, puzzled together by all the entries made.
- Submissions not following the rules defined here will not be considered. The final decision in regard to publishing a submission is made by the editorial staff of SilvergrainClassics. The honorable mention awarded with a grant of Kodak Professional Tri-X 400 film is chosen by Kodak Alaris staff.
Very important:
Don´t be afraid to participate, or hesitate because “documentary photography” may sound somewhat prohibitive, or even elitist. Rest assured, it is not. This project is driven by a global community and if all goes to plan, will show a unique and truly global perspective on film photography documenting the 2020 pandemic. A huge big picture, puzzled together by each and every single entry. Even though some images will be selected to be printed in our magazine and Kodak will give away a film grant for honorable mentions, this is no competition and thus, we have consciously abstained from implementing any like – or voting function to the gallery below, because we believe good photography can speak for itself.
Great! Submit your documentary by clicking on the button to the right. You´ll be redirected to an upload form.
17: Stockholm – by Astrid Robertsson
I took these photos on 35mm Ilford HP5+ and FP4+ which I then developed and scanned at home. The photos were taken with a Canon Eos 500 camera and...
16: Submerged – by Simon Wolfson
Series taken with Ilford HP5 Plus 120 film, and a Yashicaflex Model A camera. Johannesburg, South Africa. This series, a mixture of abstract and...
15: Lockdown ‘Street Bingo’ Captured in Pinhole by Rachel Brewster-Wright
I took this series of images (Title - Lockdown 'Street Bingo' Captured in Pinhole) in Liverpool, UK on Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day (26th April...
Do you have a story to tell, too ?
Project DOCUPAN is driven by the analog community, striving to record a history of the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic through the lenses of analog photographers all over the globe. Click below and become a part of a project we don’t know yet how large it will grow.
Tell and share your story and help to record history in a project that has never been done before.
14: Business as Ususal? by Stephan Wilke
The first two pictures and the last were taken with a Minolta CLE with an Elmarit M 28mm lens from Leica, the third and fourth picture with Canon...
13: Essential Shopping by Zhan Teh
This series of images is a documentation of people that come and pass during the rare occasion where I am out shopping for essential items during...
12: Winnipeg by Colin Corneau
This body of work was made with 35mm Ilford FP4+ film and Kodak TMax-400 film, on a Leica R4s and 50mm Summicron lens. All images were made while...
11: Safely Within by Shantel Rich
A storyboard of images consisting of our new normal, sheltered in place, safe at home. Film images were shot on Kodak Tri-X 400, normal development...
10: The Human Condition by Florian Menath
The series of six was photographed between the lockdown in March and the nationwide protests in the midst of May in Frankfurt am Main/ Germany. The...
9: On the Edge by Alistair Crighton
Edge of Dubai, April and May 2020. Abandoned homes and construction sites, Pan F 50 and TMAX 400 After 2 months of lockdown in Dubai, a chance to...
8: Coronation by Max Rozendaal
Coronation: An exploration of a national holiday during lockdown. Black and white images shot on Ilford Delta 3200 pushed to 6400 with a Nikon F4 +...
7: Countdown to Lockdown by Simon King
35mm Black and White Film, New York City. I was in New York in March, and flew back to London on the 21st, and watched the city starting to close...
6: Me and my View / And my Mask by Markus Kaesler
'me and my view / and my mask ' is a series shot with a self built pinhole camera on Fuji hr-e. Double exposures from the front and the back side on...
Want even more? Check out our Journal
SilvergrainClassics is the world´s No. 1 printed journal about analog photography.
5: All Things Intact by Chris Pinto
These photographs were taken on a variety of 35mm Kodak color films in Seattle, Washington.The Coronavirus made all of our worlds a vastly smaller...
4: Lisbon by Paulo Monteiro
The photos were taken in Lisbon. I used 35 mm Kodak Tri-X.The squares are deserted. The streets are deserted. The garden benches are empty. An...
3: Confined or Cocooned? by Poras Dhakan
The overall purpose of the set of images is to capture how my physical space reflects my mental state, from good intentions falling apart and the...
2: Lockdown Polaroids by Christopher Osborne
Lockdown in the constraints of your own four walls in Dubai. Shot on Polaroid Originals Spectra and Fuji FP-100C.Liz and I started having breakfast...
1: No Vacancy by Ludwig Hagelstein
The usually overrun historic city centre of Bamberg, void of tourists. Empty, peaceful, but ghostly. Shot on 35mm Ilford HP5 Plus pushed one...